Rock ‘N’ Roll Bar Neon sign that reads “Rock ‘N’ Roll Bar” with flames. Bar, Neon SIgn, Rock N Roll, Sign
Blaine Dairy vintage signs An old Grain Belt beer sign in Blaine, MN Beer Sign, Dairy, Grain Belt, Milk, Polka Dot Milk, Sign
Warped wood on abandoned building A board coming off an abandoned building. Abandoned Building, Nail, Wood
Vestas Windmill parts Vestas windmill parts ready to be delivered to a windfarm in Fond Du Lac County, WI. Ashland Ave, Energy, Freight Train, Railyard, Street, Vestas, Wind Turbine, Windmill
Vestas Windmill parts Vestas windmill parts ready to be delivered to a windfarm in Fond Du Lac County, WI. Ashland Ave, Energy, Freight Train, Railyard, Street, Vestas, Wind Turbine, Windmill
Wisconsin Lake Michigan Sunset in June A late June sunset over Lake Michigan in Wisconsin. Lake, Lake Michigan, Sunset, Wisconsin
Myth Nightclub in Maplewood, Minnesota Myth Nightclub in Maplewood, Minnesota. 2008 Concert Venues, Maplewood, Myth Nightclub
Tornado Damage, Hugo Minnesota 2008 Homes damaged by a tornado in Hugo, Minnesota. Hail, Hugo, Hugo Tornado, Minnesota, Mnnesota, Severe, Severe Weather, State, Storm, Tornado, USA, Weather
Best Buy Corporate Headquarters Best Buy corporate headquarters in Richfield, Minnesota. Best Buy, Corporate Headquarters, Retail, Richfield
CatHouse in the Luxor Hotel Cathouse at Luxor Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. 2008 Casino, Cathouse, Hotel, Luxor Hotel
Coyote Ugly Dance Saloon in Las Vegas Coyote Ugly Bar & Dance Saloon in Las Vegas. Bar, Casino, Coyote Ugly, Hotel, Las Vegas, Neon SIgn, Nevada, Nightclub
Excalibur Hotel & Casino at night Excalibur Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Casino, Excalibur Hotel, Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada
Flight Bar inside Luxor Hotel in las Vegas Flight bar inside the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Bar, Casino, Flight, Hotel, Las Vegas, Luxor Hotel, Nevada
Game King casino games A man plays slot machines at a Las Vegas casino. Casino, Game King, Las Vegas, Nevada, Slot Machines
House of Blues in Las Vegas House of Blues in Las Vegas. Concert Hall, House of Blues, Las Vegas, Nevada, Nightclub