Justice for Dolal Idd protest sign in June 2021
Protesters march from the location of where Dolal Idd was killed 6 months earlier by Minneapolis Police. Protesters are seeking answers to the shooting.
Protesters march from the location of where Dolal Idd was killed 6 months earlier by Minneapolis Police. Protesters are seeking answers to the shooting.
Vehicles drive through George Floyd Square three days after the city removed barricades to open it to vehicular traffic.
Protesters march from the Holiday Gas station at 36th Street and Cedar Ave where Dolal Idd was killed by Minneapolis Police on December 30th.
Plastic candles melting in the summer heat at the George Floyd Memorial at George Floyd Square.
A sign at George Floyd Square reading “Please take what u need, don’t be greedy or stealing. Everything is for everybody. Take care of each other”
Street barricades at 37th and Chicago Ave. The barricades replace those the city removed days earlier in attempts to open up the street to vehicular traffic.
Street barricades at Columbus and 38th Street in South Minneapolis. The barricades are at the edge of George Floyd Square. They replace barricades the city removed days earlier in an attempt to open up the area to vehicular traffic.
The names of others effected by police violence written on the top of the parking ramp where Winston Smith was killed by law enforcement days earlier.
“We love you Winston” written on a pillar next to where Winston Smith was shot and killed by law enforcement on June 3rd, 2021.
Roses and candles cover the ground where Winston Smith was killed by a Federal Task Force on June 3rd.
A bike, garbage can, bike rack, bench used as street barricades on Lake Street at Hennepin Avenue during continuing protests following the June 3rd law enforcement shooting death of Winsotn Smith.
Protesters hold their firsts up during a march in Uptown Minneapolis on the third day of protests following the law enforcement shooting death of Winston Smith on June 3rd.
Protesters march down Lagoon Ave for the third night of protests following the shooting death of Winston Smith. Officials say Smith was shot and killed by Ramsey and Hennepin County officers while part of a Federal Task Force serving a warrant.
Protesters take to the streets for the 3rd night after the June 3rd law enforcement shooting death of Winston Smith. Officials have said Hennepin and Ramsey County officers both fired their weapons while serving a warrant while part of a Federal Task Force.
RIP WInston Smith on the Midtown Greenway. Winson Smith was killed by law enforcement on June 3rd, 2021 in Minneapolis.
Hennepin County Sheriff officer points his weapon at someone inside a vehicle near Winston Smith protests. Smith was killed by law enforcement days earlier.
Police on Girard Avenue inside a white van during Winston Smith protests. Smith was shot and kiled by law enforcement on June 3rd.
A memorial for Winston Smith on Lake Street. Smith was killed on June 3rd by a Federal task force on top of a nearby parking ramp.
Minneapolis Police on Hennepin Avenue while fires burn in the streets following the June 3rd shooting death of Winston Smith by Federal law enforcement.
Bushes burn on Girard Avenue during protests over the law enforcement shooting death of Winston Smith on June 3rd.
Garbage cans burn at Hennepin Avenue and Lake Street in Uptown Minneapolis during protests over the June 3rd law enforcement shooting death of Winston Smith.
Bar patrons walk down Hennepin Avenue past armed Minneapolis police who responded to those protesting the June 3rd shooting death by a Federal task force.
Minneapolis police in the back of a bearcat vehicle driving down Lake Street in Uptown Minneapolis during protests over the shooting death of Winston Smith on June 3rd.