Leneesha Columbus memorial in Minneapolis
A memorial for Leneesha Columbus, who was shot and killed on July 5th, 2020 near George Floyd Square.
A memorial for Leneesha Columbus, who was shot and killed on July 5th, 2020 near George Floyd Square.
A memorial for Emmett Till at the Say Their Names Memorial near George Floyd Square.
Chicago Avenue in George Floyd Square during a Canadian wildfire smoke filled evening.
A smoky evening at George Floyd Square during air quality warnings over Canadian wildfire smoke. The wildfires brought the worst on record Minnesota air quality to the state for weeks at a time.
“Read the Demand” “Justice for Murphy Ranks!” at George Floyd Square on July 29, 2021.
Signs at George Floyd Square on a rainy night in Minneapolis.
A “sun dog” at George Floyd Square. Apparently sun dogs are rare in the summer?
Traffic control measures put in place at George Floyd Square about 2 weeks after Minneapolis Public Works removed street barricades. The space has been community controlled since the May 2020 murder of George Floyd.
A t-shirt and sign placed at the George Floyd Memorial at George Floyd Square in Minneapolis.
Various new barricades have been placed at George Floyd Square ever since the city helped clear out barricades on June 3rd.
The street barricades that have been continuously added and removed at East 37th St and Chicago Avenue in George Floyd Square. Days earlier the city removed concrete barricades to open up vehicular traffic.
Vehicles drive through George Floyd Square three days after the city removed barricades to open it to vehicular traffic.
Plastic candles melting in the summer heat at the George Floyd Memorial at George Floyd Square.
A sign at George Floyd Square reading “Please take what u need, don’t be greedy or stealing. Everything is for everybody. Take care of each other”
Street barricades at 37th and Chicago Ave. The barricades replace those the city removed days earlier in attempts to open up the street to vehicular traffic.
Street barricades at Columbus and 38th Street in South Minneapolis. The barricades are at the edge of George Floyd Square. They replace barricades the city removed days earlier in an attempt to open up the area to vehicular traffic.
Black Lives Matter sign hung over blue tarps over barricades at 38th Street and Elliott at George Foyd Square. City workers removed barricades the day before.
The City of Minneapolis cleared out barricades at the break of dawn but as the sun set the community had set up new barricades.
A woman holds a “No Justice No Streets” yard sign on the day the city tried to clear out barricades around the square.
Minneapolis Public Works clears out new barricades that were placed on 38th Street.
Community gathering at George Floyd Square after city officials cleared out barricades and added new barricades around the memorials.
The warming shelters used at George Floyd Square arriving at City of Minneapolis impound lots after the city opened up the area to vehiclular traffic.