11/07/20 Lake Street march
Minneapolis takes to the streets to rally after the media called the Presidential election for Joe Biden. The march went from the Third Precinct down Lake Street in South Minneapolis.
Minneapolis takes to the streets to rally after the media called the Presidential election for Joe Biden. The march went from the Third Precinct down Lake Street in South Minneapolis.
March down Lake Street after the results of the Presidential election came through that Biden was the winner.
Minneapolis takes to the streets to rally after the media called the Presidential election for Joe Biden. The march went from the Third Precinct down Lake Street in South Minneapolis. The Third Precinct is seen by many as a symbol of hopeful change as well as the power of the people and the community of Minneapolis.
Minneapolis takes to the streets to rally after the media called the Presidential Race for Joe Biden. The march went from the Third Precinct down Lake Street in South Minneapolis. The Third Precinct is seen by many as a symbol of hopeful change as well as the power of the people and the community of Minneapolis.
Protester wearing a “Defund the police” shirt in Minneapolis during a protest following the announcing of Joe Biden winner of the Presidential election against Donald Trump.
The Coliseum Building on Lake Street as seen from across the street.
Protester with a large Hitler/Trump patch on her back following a march through Minneapolis after Biden was announced winner of the Presidential election.
A protester with a wagon full of PPE for other protesters during a march shortly after Biden was announced the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election.
An artist stops to talk with someone as he paints a mural on Lyndale Avenue storefront boards.
Target re-opens after being damaged during the initial days of unrest. The store, across from the Minneapolis police third precinct, was the first to be significantly looted.
A man plows the snow off a sidewalk in downtown Minneapolis on November 11th, 2020
Graffiti on Tires Plus boards that read “Stop Line 3” “No More Prez” “Riots 2020”
“Yes, we are open for you” banner on a boarded cup UnBank branch in Downtown Minneapolis.
Maruso Bar on Hennepin Avenue in Minneapolis during a November 11th snowstorm.
The State Theatre on Hennepin Avenue in Downtown Minneapolis during a November 10th snowstorm
“Stop the steal” protesters gathering at the Minnesota State Capitol on November 14, 2020.
Storefront boards reading “George Floyd” on Lake Street during snowfall.
A Black Lives Matter mural on Lyndale Ave in Uptown Minneapolis after snowfall.