Memorial after Daunte Wright is killed in Minnesota
Protesters at the location of Daunte Wright’s death in Brooklyn Center. Wright was killed by Officer Kim Potter the day before. Potter goes on trial November 30th, 2021.
Protesters at the location of Daunte Wright’s death in Brooklyn Center. Wright was killed by Officer Kim Potter the day before. Potter goes on trial November 30th, 2021.
Protesters outside the Brooklyn Center Police Department, where residential apartments are directly across the street.
A man tries to speak with the Minnesota State Patrol who is standing guard outside the Brooklyn Center Police Department. The Brooklyn Center Police shot and killed Daunte Wright the evening before.
Protesters outside the Brooklyn Center Police Department after Daunte Wright was killed on April 11th, 2021. Former Brooklyn Center Police Department Kim Potter will stand trial on November 30th, 2021.
Protesters outside the Brooklyn Center Police Department after Daunte Wright was killed on April 11th, 2021.
Police Officers stand guard outside the Brooklyn Center Police Department the evening after Daunte Wright was killed by Officer Kim Potter.
The Minnesota National Guard first arriving near the Brooklyn Center Police Headquarters during protests following the killing of Daunte Wright.
University of Minnesota Police Department arrive at the Brooklyn Center Police Department following unrest over the shooting of Daunte Wright. Wright was shot by Brooklyn Center Police Officer Kim Potter.
The Minnesota DOT close down exits into Brooklyn Center after the killing of Daunte Wright by Brooklyn Center police.
A protester holding a “Justice 4 George” sign yells at police outside the Brooklyn Center Police Department.
Protesters gather at the Brooklyn Center Police Department after Officer Kim Potter shot and killed 20-year old Daunte Wright at a traffic stop.
Riot police surrounded the Brooklyn Center police department after one of it’s officers shoot and kill Daunte Wright earlier in the day.
Protesters arrive at the Brooklyn Center Police Department shortly after Daunte Wright was shot and killed by Brooklyn Center Police Officer Kim Potter.
People gather to remember Daunte Wright shortly after his death.
Police in riot gear arrive where protesters are gathered following the death of Daunte Wright.
The community gathering in Brooklyn Center after the Brooklyn Center Police shot and killed Daunte Wright.
A woman holds up a sign with the number for the National Lawyers Guild.
Protesters arrive to the scene of the death of Daunte Wright. Wright was shot and killed by Brooklyn Center Police Officer Kim Potter hours earlier.
A protester confronts a Brooklyn Center Police Officer following the officer involve shooting death of Daunte Wright.
A protester speaks with the Brooklyn Center Police shortly after Daunte Wright was shot and killed by Brooklyn Center Police Officer Kim Potter.