Police Station Photography

Protesters return to the burned Minneapolis Police Third Precinct on Inauguration Day asking for community control of the police. Less than 3 weeks prior, Dolal Idd was killed by Minneapolis Police during a firearm sting. The Minneapolis Police released video showing what they say was Dolal Idd shooting at them first through the car window.

Protesters at 3rd Precinct on Inauguration Day

Protesters return to the burned Minneapolis Police Third Precinct on Inauguration Day asking for community control of the police. Less than 3 weeks prior, Dolal Idd was killed by Minneapolis Police during a firearm sting. The Minneapolis Police released video showing what they say was Dolal Idd shooting at them first through the car window.

Protesters return to the burned Minneapolis Police Third Precinct on Inauguration day asking for community control of the police.Less than 3 weeks prior, Dolal Idd was killed by Minneapolis Police during a firearm sting. The Minneapolis Police released video showing what they say was Dolal Idd shooting at them first through the car window.

Protesters outside Minneapolis police station on Inauguration Da

Protesters return to the burned Minneapolis Police Third Precinct on Inauguration day asking for community control of the police.Less than 3 weeks prior, Dolal Idd was killed by Minneapolis Police during a firearm sting. The Minneapolis Police released video showing what they say was Dolal Idd shooting at them first through the car window.

Flyers taped to a pole outside of the Minneapolis Third Precinct police station, which burned after the murder of George Floyd in May 2020. 

Drop the charges refers to the 646 that were criminally charged during the largest mass arrest in Minnesota history. Protesters were arrested after marching onto I-94 in a post election march.

Dumping Trump Is Not a Crime

Flyers taped to a pole outside of the Minneapolis Third Precinct police station, which burned after the murder of George Floyd in May 2020.

Drop the charges refers to the 646 that were criminally charged during the largest mass arrest in Minnesota history. Protesters were arrested after marching onto I-94 in a post election march.