Minneapolis Police enter the Sheraton hotel
The Minneapolis Police enter the Sheraton Hotel in Midtown Minneapolis following calls regarding a fire inside.
The Minneapolis Police enter the Sheraton Hotel in Midtown Minneapolis following calls regarding a fire inside.
Officers point their guns at open windows at the Sheraton Hotel. The police had responded to reports of a fire inside as squatters took over.
Razor wire and fencing surrounds the Minneapolis Police 5th precinct police station in South Minneapolis. The security was installed after days of protests following the May 25th death of George Floyd.
Protesters dip their hands in red paint to leave hand prints on a protest banner that reads “Bob Kroll has blood on his hands”. The protest outside of the Minneapolis police union headquarters where Bob Kroll was the union head for many years.
Protesters rally outside the Minneapolis Police Union Headquarters asking for Union President Bob Kroll to resign.
Protest at the police union headquarters with protesters demanding union head Bob Kroll resign.
Protesters outside the Minneapolis Police & Fire Union Offices asking for Police Officers Union President Bob Kroll to resign.
The remaining letters burned on the front of the Minneapolis Third Precinct. The precinct was burned during unrest over the killing of George Floyd.
Concrete blocks and razor wire placed around the Minneapolis police 1st precinct police station in Downtown Minneapolis. The precinct was secured after the 3rd precinct police station was burned about 10 days prior after the death of George Floyd.
The National Guard stationed outside the Minneapolis Police 1st Precinct in Downtown Minneapolis.
Security barricades and fencing around the Minneapolis police first precinct in downtown Minneapolis. This after days of unrest following the May 25th, 2020 death of George Floyd.
Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo speaks at George Floyd Square on May 31, 2020 following nights of protest after the death of George Floyd Square.
The burned Minneapolis Police 3rd Precinct on May 31, 2020 after days of protests following the May 25th, 2020 death of George Floyd.
Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo speaks at George Floyd Square on May 31, 2020 following nights of protest after the death of George Floyd Square.
A sign reading “White supremacy is a public health crisis. We.Are.The.Cure. Anti-Racisim NOW” hanging over the side of the Minneapolis Police Third Precinct on May 31, 2020.
Sunsara Taylor speaks on behalf of The Revolutionary Communist Party outside the third precinct.
Minnesota National Guard and Minneapolis Police look on as the Minneapolis Fire Department fight fires on Lake Street after another night of protests and riots in Minneapolis after the death of George Floyd.
The Minnesota National Guard, Minneapolis Fire Department and Minneapolis Police on Lake Street and Chicago Avenue in South Minneapolis after nights of protest after the murder of George Floyd. May 2020.
Protesters outside the Minneapolis Police 5th precinct after a march on the 4th day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
Protesters on Lake Street during the 3rd day of protests following the death of George Floyd.