Hennepin Bridge, Downtown Minneapolis (03/21)
The Hennepin Avenue Bridge in downtown Minneapolis.
Speedway gas station preparing to reopen following a rebuilt after being burned down in May 2020.
Boards and a mural on a H&M store on Hennepin Ave. in Uptown Minneapolis.
Murals on protest boards on Hennepin Ave in Uptown Minneapolis.
Boards over the windows of Fifth Element on Hennepin Ave.
Justice 4 George Floyd boards on Hennepin Ave in Uptown Minneapolis.
Re-modeling beginning on the burned out Speedway on Hennepin Ave in Uptown Minneapolis.
Maruso Bar on Hennepin Avenue in Minneapolis during a November 11th snowstorm.
The State Theatre on Hennepin Avenue in Downtown Minneapolis during a November 10th snowstorm
“Yes, we are open for you” banner on a boarded cup UnBank branch in Downtown Minneapolis.
Cowboy Slims at the corner of Hennepin Ave and Lagoon Ave in Uptown Minneapolis.
Art on boards covering the John Fluevog store on Hennepin Ave and Lagoon Ave in Uptown Minneapolis.
Protester outside Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s home holds up a sign that reads “Your time is up! Bye, Bye Mayor Frey. Evicted”. Protesters demanding the mayor do something about homelessness in the city.
Protesters outside Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s home in Northeast Minneapolis. The protesters are demanding the mayor do something about housing issues in the city with homelessness at record levels. A couple eating dinner on a patio across the street.
Protesters march to Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s home in Northeast Minneapolis to service an “Eviction Notice”.
Protesters march from Holmes Park to Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s home to demand he do something to address the city’s all time high homelessness.
Two men wearing “Make America Great Again” hats disrupt a housing protest outside Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s home.
“Lisa Bender Must Go” written on a board on a retail shop on Hennepin Avenue. Lisa Bender is the Minneapolis City Council President.
Walgreens opened up mobile pharmacies during riots after multiple drug stores were looted and damaged.