Bushes burn on Girard in Minneapolis
Bushes burn on Girard Avenue during protests over the law enforcement shooting death of Winston Smith on June 3rd.
Bushes burn on Girard Avenue during protests over the law enforcement shooting death of Winston Smith on June 3rd.
Garbage cans burn at Hennepin Avenue and Lake Street in Uptown Minneapolis during protests over the June 3rd law enforcement shooting death of Winston Smith.
Bar patrons walk down Hennepin Avenue past armed Minneapolis police who responded to those protesting the June 3rd shooting death by a Federal task force.
Minneapolis police in the back of a bearcat vehicle driving down Lake Street in Uptown Minneapolis during protests over the shooting death of Winston Smith on June 3rd.
Authorities move in to push out and make arrests of protesters after a dispersal order is given. Protesters have been gathering at the location where Winston Smith was killed on June 3rd by law enforcement.
Signs on H&M after Winston Smith was killed by law enforcement the day before a block away. Stores closed early over potential unrest in the area.
Protesters march down Lake Street in Uptown Minneapolis the day after Winston Smith was killed by a federal law enforcement task force.
Community gathers around a candle lit vigil where Winston Smith was killed the day earlier by a Federal task force.
A vigil being held at the spot where Winston Smith was killed by law enforcement on June 3rd.
Candles being lit at a vigil for Winston Smith who was shot and killed by law enforcement on June 4th, 2021.
The vigil was held at the tiop of the parking ramo where he was shot and killed the day earlier by a Federal task force.
Protesters march to the top of the parking ramp where a federal task force shot and killed Winston Smith the day before.
Minneapolis Police clash with protesters who had gathered around the parking garage in Minneapolis where Winston Smith was shot and killed by police hours earlier.
Protesters at Lake & Girard following the law enforcement killing of Winston Smith earlier in the day.
Protesters gathered in Uptown Minneapolis in the evening after Winston Smith was killed by law enforcement earlier in the day.
Protesters burn garbage cans in the evening after Winston Smith was killed by law enforcement in the nearby parking garage.