Wince Way sign in Uptown Minneapolis
A sign that reads “Wince Way” behind the newly installed security fencing outside the Lake & Girard parking ramp and Wince Marie Garden.
A sign that reads “Wince Way” behind the newly installed security fencing outside the Lake & Girard parking ramp and Wince Marie Garden.
Memorials for Winston Smith at the location he was killed by a Federal Task Force on June 3rd.
Winston written on the side of the building next to the Deona Marie memorial.
“Wince Marie Peace Garden 4 Ever” written in chalk near where Winston Smith was killed.
Graffiti on top of the parking ramp at Lake & Girard. Winston Smith was killed by a Federal Task Force on June 3rd.
Minneapolis police on Hennepin Ave and Lake Street near where protesters have been holding space after the June 3rd and June 13th killings of Winston Smith and Deona Marie.
Deona Marie was killed when Nicholas Kraus drove his vehicle into those protesting the killing of Winston Smith.
Winston Smith was killed after Hennepin and Ramsey County officers fired their weapons while part of a Federal Task Force serving a warrant.
A Minneapolis Police squad car drives over “Abolish The Police” graffiti on Lake Street in Uptown Minneapolis.
Protester holds up Black Lives Matter flag while marching down Lake Street during a march following the June 3rd and June 13th deaths of Winston Smith and Deona Marie.
Winston Smith was killed after Hennepin and Ramsey County officers fired their weapons while part of a Federal Task Force serving a warrant.
Deona Marie was killed when Nicholas Kraus drove his vehicle into those protesting the killing of Smith.
The parking ramp where law enforcement shot and killed Winston Smith on June 3rd. Graffiti reading “Fuck America the killing needs to stop” among other things.
Winston Smith was killed after Hennepin and Ramsey County officers fired their weapons while part of a Federal Task Force serving a warrant.
Graffiti on the side of McDonalds on Hennepin during Winston Smith and Deona Marie protests.
Winston Smith was killed after Hennepin and Ramsey County officers fired their weapons while part of a Federal Task Force serving a warrant.
Deona Marie was killed when Nicholas Kraus drove his vehicle into those protesting the killing of Smith.
Law enforcement from multiple agencies respond to protesters who had been gathered since June 3rd protesting the killing of Winston Smith and the June 13th killing of Deona Marie.
Winston Smith was killed after Hennepin and Ramsey County officers fired their weapons while part of a Federal Task Force serving a warrant.
Deona Marie was killed when Nicholas Kraus drove his vehicle into those protesting the killing of Smith.
Police outside the Deona Marie Memorial clearing out protesters who had been gathered since the June 3rd Winston Smith killing and June 13th Deona Marie killing.
Winston Smith was killed after Hennepin and Ramsey County officers fired their weapons while part of a Federal Task Force serving a warrant.
Deona Marie was killed when Nicholas Kraus drove his vehicle into those protesting the killing of Smith.
“No Justice No Street” written on a sidewalk outside “Wince Marie Way” The area in Uptown Minneapolis has been a place of protest since the June 3rd law enforcement killing of Winston Smith and the June 13th killing of Deona Marie.
Marie was killed when Nicholas Kraus drove his vehicle into those protesting the killing of Smith.
“RIP Winston Smith” written on the side of a business at Lake and Hennepin. Winston Smith was killed by a Federal Task Force on June 3rd.
A private drive near where Winston Smith was killed on June 3rd. The road has been painted red multiple times by protesters after property owners tried removing the paint. The area has been a protest zone since the June 3rd law enforcement shooting death of Winston Smith.
“The Blood Is On Your Hands” written on a private drive outside the parking ramp that Winston Smith was killed by law enforcement on June 3rd, 2021.
Hop Wong Chinese Restaurant on Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis on June 9, 2021 during major street construction.
ACAB and Wince Way written on West Lake Street in Minneapolis. Protesters have been gathered in the area ever since the June 3rd shooting death of Winston Smith.
Officials say Ramsey and Hennepin County officers fired their weapons while part of a Federal Task Force serving a warrant.
“Fuck 12” written on top of the Seven Points parking ramp.
Winston Smith was killed on the top floor on June 3rd by a Federal Task Force.
Chalk graffiti outside of Seven Points Mall. The area has been a place of protest since the June 3rd shooting death of Winston Smith by members of a Federal Task Force.
Minneapolis Police gather on Lake Street following days of protests in the area after the law enforcement shooting death of Winston Smith.
Smith was shot and killed when Federal Task Force members from Ramsey and Hennepin county fired their weapons while serving a warrant.
The names of others effected by police violence written on the top of the parking ramp where Winston Smith was killed by law enforcement days earlier.
“We love you Winston” written on a pillar next to where Winston Smith was shot and killed by law enforcement on June 3rd, 2021.