Black Owned written on boards in Downtown Minneapolis
Boards on businesses in Downtown Minneapolis that read “BLM” “BLACK OWNED” on the 4th day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
Boards on businesses in Downtown Minneapolis that read “BLM” “BLACK OWNED” on the 4th day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
The Minneapolis Police 3rd Precinct on fire during the 3rd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd. The precinct was set ablaze after the Minneapolis Police abandoned the precinct following 3 days of protests.
GM Tobacco and other buildings burn on Lake Street burning during the 3rd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
Officers on the roof of the third precinct with “less lethal” weapons.
A Minneapolis Police officer aiming his less lethal weapon outside the Minneapolis Police 3rd Precinct on the second day of protests.
Flowers, signs and bears left behind on May 26, 2020 at a memorial where George Floyd was killed the night before.
Protesters on 38th St in South Minneapolis on May 26th, 2020 where George Floyd was killed the night. The protesters would then march to the Minneapolis Police Third Precinct.
A couple hold up a sign that reads “Justice for George Floyd” on 36th St while others began to gather at the intersection of 38th St and Chicago Ave where Floyd was killed the night before.