The Local restaurant on Nicollet Mall
A Thursday evening on Nicollet Mall. Biker passes by The Local restaurant patio at 10th Street. (Downtown Minneapolis, September 2024)
A Thursday evening on Nicollet Mall. Biker passes by The Local restaurant patio at 10th Street. (Downtown Minneapolis, September 2024)
Bikers crossing Lake Street at Bde Maka Ska Drive on the last day of summer. (South Minneapolis, September 2024)
Biker on Lake Street in Minneapolis also enjoying the last day of summer – on one wheel.
Slow Turtle Crossing sign near Cedar Lake in South Minneapolis.
Bikers bike past boarded up buildings on Nicollet Mall in Downtown Minneapolis.
A cyclist bikes down Hennepin Avenue in Uptown Minneapolis past a boarded up Walgreens Pharmacy.
Boards were placed after unrest in Minneapolis over the killing of George Floyd on May 25th, 2020.
A biker bikes down N 7th St on May 28, 2020 in front of a boarded up O’Donovan’s Irish Pub in Downtown Minneapolis on the 3rd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.