05/28/20 Minnehaha Liquor with fireworks exploding
Fireworks explode above Minnehaha Liquor on Lake Street during the 3rd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
Fireworks explode above Minnehaha Liquor on Lake Street during the 3rd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
Gluek’s Bar in downtown Minneapolis with Black Lives Matter in their window during the 3rd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
A fire burning across the street from a home on E 29th St on the 2nd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
Minneapolis Police on bikes and Mounted Patrol in Downtown Minneapolis on the 3rd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
Protesters marching through downtown Minneapolis on the 3rd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
Sunny’s Wigs on Lyndale Ave during the 2nd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
A 6-story new housing development on fire near the Minneapolis Police 3rd Precinct during the 2nd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
A 6-story new housing development on fire near the Minneapolis Police 3rd Precinct during the 2nd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
GM Tobacco, a block away from the Minneapolis Police 3rd Precinct, on fire as a protester walks by.
Community medics tend to those injured at protests outside the Minneapolis Police 3rd Precinct on May 28, 2020.
05/27/20 Minneapolis Police officer on Lake Street
A Minneapolis Police squad car while buildings burn behind it during the 2nd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
A biker bikes down N 7th St on May 28, 2020 in front of a boarded up O’Donovan’s Irish Pub in Downtown Minneapolis on the 3rd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
A 6-story new housing development on fire near the Minneapolis Police 3rd Precinct during the 2nd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
GM Tobacco and other buildings burn on Lake Street burning during the 3rd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
A Minneapolis Police officer outside of the burning AutoZone during the 2nd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
Minneapolis Police load up their less lethal weapons in Downtown Minneapolis during the 3rd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
A protester holds up a sign reading “Black Lives Matter” outside the Hennepin County Government Center on May 28, 2020.
A protester holds up a sign reading “Jail all racist killer cops!” outside a burning GM Tobacco store on East Lake Street on May 28th, 2020 during the 3rd day of protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd.
Protesters around the burning Minneapolis Police third precinct on the evening of May 28th, 2020. Protesters began gathering around the precinct days earlier following the death of George Floyd. Hours earlier, Minneapolis Police vacated the precinct. The third precinct was the home precinct to Derek Chauvin who was ultimately convicted in the murder.
Protesters gather outside the Hennepin County Government Center in downtown Minneapolis on May 28, 2020.
The Minneapolis Police 3rd Precinct on fire as protesters surround it after days of protest.
The precinct was Derek Chauvin’s home precinct and was set ablaze after the police abandoned the precinct following days of protests over the death of George Floyd.
“The people shouldn’t be afraid of the gov. The gov should be afraid of the people!!!” written on the Midtown train station.