Located at 110 E 31st St in South Minneapolis and across from the Minneapolis Police 5th precinct. The post office was burned during the George Floyd uprising on May 29th.
This along with the Minnehaha Station moved into a vacant K-Mart on Lake Street a block away. The post office was eventually rebuilt and opened 3 years to the day that it burned.
Note:This image is from the December 2020 album of a continuing series following the unrest and events in Minneapolis after the May 25th, 2020 murder of George Floyd.
Captured on December 29, 2020.
© Chad Davis | Licensing inquiries: chad@chaddavis.photography
Filed Under: 31st St, Arson, Burned Building, Graffiti, Minneapolis, MinneapolisUprising, Post Office, Riot Damage, USPS