Home - Minneapolis Uprising - 2021 - July 07/02/21 AbolishThe Police No Cops in Minneapolis 07/02/21 Wince Marie Peace Graden 4 Ever 07/02/21 Winston Smith Memorial on top of parking ramp 07/02/21 Wince Marie Peace Garden at sunset 07/03/21 Minneapolis Outreach Experts in Downtown Minneapolis 07/03/21 Our Streets fire barricades in Minneapolis 07/03/21 Our Streets barricades on Lake Street 07/03/21 Winston Smith mural in Uptown Minneapolis 07/05/21 Sun Dog at George Floyd Square 07/05/21 Stop The Cover Up graffiti in Minneapolis 07/05/21 Seven Points Parking Ramp Graffiti 07/06/21 Minneapolis Fire at Stellas in Uptown Minneapolis 07/06/21 Casablanca Foods reflections 07/06/21 No Racists Allowed at George Floyd Square 07/07/21 Barricades on Hennepin and Lagoon in Minneapolis 07/08/21 Barricaded Streets in Uptown Minneapolis 07/08/21 Dumpster Fires in Uptown Minneapolis 07/08/21 Minneapolis Police at the Winston Smith Protest 07/08/21 Minneapolis police at Winston Smith peace garden 07/08/21 Power to the People in Uptown Minneapolis 07/08/21 Minneapolis Police and Winston Smith protesters 07/11/21 Air quality alerts and Downtown Minneapolis 07/14/21 Winston Smith Memorial Garden clearing 07/14/21 Fencing goes up at Winston Smith protest site 07/14/21 Private security at peace garden in Minneapolis 07/14/21 Armed private security at Seven Points protest 07/14/21 Private security at Seven Points 07/14/21 Signs outside the newly cleared Winston Smith Protest 07/14/21 Deona Marie Memorial after clearing by police 07/14/21 Armed private security in Uptown Minneapolis 07/14/21 Private Security Surveillance in Uptown 07/14/21 Fencing at Winston Smith protest site 07/14/21 Protesters climb fencing at Winston Smith protest site 07/16/21 Paramilitary Contractors in Uptown 07/16/21 We will not be silent protest sign 07/22/21 Deona Marie Memorial after being cleared 07/22/21 Wince Way sign in Uptown Minneapolis 07/28/21 Nicollet Mall in Downtown Minneapolis July 2021 07/28/21 Metro Transit cameras on Nicollet Mall 07/28/21 Love Hope Unity mural 07/29/21 George Floyd Square and bad air quality 07/29/21 Read the demands Justice For Murphy Ranks 07/29/21 Cup Foods and George Floyd Memorial July 2021